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Pray for Churches Seeking a Pastor
Jay Baptist Church

Pray for our Pastors

For each to stay faithful to God and His calling on their lives.

For each pastor and his family to remember God's Call and to be content in the place that God has called them.

For each pastor to be an effective pastor of the flock to whom God has called him and to the community still outside the fold.

For God's protection for each pastor's marriage and their entire family.

Pray for our pastors to be men of integrity.

Pray for the physical, emotional and financial health of our pastors.
Pray for opportunities for our pastors to have accountability partners and friends.
Pray for our pastors to "Be Still and Know that God is God" so that His name will be exalted among all peoples.

Pray that our pastors will develop leadership with whom they can share the ministry.

Pray for the Work in Maine
For the Leaders as they strive to follow God's leadership.
For the 26 churches that are part of our association.
For the 800+ cities and towns in Maine.
For the 95% of  Mainers that are lost.
For laborers to come from within our churches in Maine to reach Mainers.
For God to lead others to join the laborers already here.
For those who come to be willing to invest their lives.
For communities to be identified for church plants and reached with the Gospel.
For faithful stewardship of the resources God is providing to bring the Light of Jesus Christ to the darkness here..

For Mike Nerney, Executive Director, as he visits, encourages and challenges the pastors and churches in the great task God has given us.​

The Maine Baptist Association

PO Box 317

Waterville, ME 04903

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